How To Thank A Blogger.

Less than 48 hours remaining to cast your vote. This is it for the 2011 Tanzanian Blog Awards. I know many people still wondering why they should care to do that. If you haven’t found another reason as to why you should vote for your favorite blogs just remember this is one of the easiest ways to show your love, support and appreciation. If you benefit because of reading the blog you always love to read directly or indirectly, then appreciation can be a nice voluntary action. Appreciation at its simplest can be a simple act of letting someone know they did something that pleased you in some manner, which in turn may result in that person feeling appreciated, or feeling thanked by others. Appreciating the blogger is like a motivation. 

There are so many ways to appreciating when appreciation is voluntary:-
Follow them - Do you know many bloggers enjoy so much seeing their readers follow them? If those bloggers are using Twitter, Facebook, Myspace or any other social networks, following them is one of the ways to show your appreciation. 

Comment - Commenting on a site to support someone is simple gesture that goes a long way. Bloggers love to see comments on their posts! Have something to say? Say it! 

Opinion - Commenting on a site to offer a different opinion helps to motivate/challenge a blogger to always be on alert of the things him/her posting on the blog on top of that all bloggers love to see different opinions. 

Email - emailing the blogger to congratulate on the article increase personal connection level to readers.

Shout Out - If you have a blog of your own, give them a shout-out, or display their button.

Share post – Periodical share their posts with your friends on facebook or twitter and even share them on stumble and dugg. 

Act like a big brother – show your support by standing by your favorite blogger when there are critics illogically criticizing that blogger.

Show your love to their sponsors – Buy what they endorse if it is something you could use.

Vote - When you see your favorite bloggers have been nominated in any awards or anything, just casting your vote or select their names is a small token to pay comparing to their hard works.

Ways not appreciating when appreciation is expected
Credit - Using someone else’s ideas and not giving credit this is under appreciate their works.

Criticizing - When criticizing a blogger by not telling others the whole story. 

Take away credit - Taking away credit from someone in a group project just to gain more personal benefit

Be selective - Appreciating only people who are supporters regardless of what they write or do, and not appreciating who may ever disagree even if they do something that deserves appreciations

Link - Not linking to someone on purpose because of a personal narrow-mindedness, to cause harm to someone

Need I say more?

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