Only 2 days left to nominate your favorite blogs for the 2011 Tanzanian Blog Awards

The first Tanzanian internet blog awards kicked off in the middle of April with not so lots of buzz and excitements but 2 weeks after the launch it has able to attracted hundreds of bloggers and readers across Tanzania and the diaspora.

As we are approaching towards the end of our first phase of the event, we would like to thank you all for your cooperation, participation, kind words and not so kind words. We know all of you who took your time to comment or sent us direct emails you all meant the same thing that was to encourage us and to challenge us to do even better. We could not have done all these without you. Our sincerely thanks to everyone involved in one way or another.

The Tanzanian Blog Awards will highlight over 230 blogs and recognize the top blogs chosen in 26 categories (probably less depends on nominations received so far) and those top blogs chosen will go to another phase of finding the blog of the year, the first and second runner up.

Before now, the blogging community in Tanzania seemed to be fairly dormant with bloggers sticking to their own corner entertaining their own humble followers, this awards its mission is to give a multitude of Tanzanian bloggers a chance to shine, gain exposure for their work and make their voices heard. The organizers of the Tanzanian Blog Awards hope to develop blogging among Tanzanians as a means for greater expression and acknowledge the accomplishments of existing bloggers.

The nominating period so far has proven that the Tanzanian voice online is very powerful and the event will help to encourage Tanzanian bloggers to blog louder, more effectively and expand their reach. Since the launch of the awards website we started with just 5 page views to 10 page views per day. As it stirred up the interest of both bloggers and readers to start nominating for their favorite blogs we now receive an average of 300 page views per day. This is a very big accomplishment knowing that we launched the awards with no formal publicity at all.

Although we have less than a week since we started our Facebook page for the awards but since before that the large majority of buzz for the awards was generated via Facebook and this proves the power of social media for effectively promoting ideas on a nationwide and even global scale at zero cost. We are hoping that since many internet users spend most of their time online on social media sites we will able to grab attention of many more people to participate on voting process hence will able to see wonderful blogs written by Tanzanians on our directory list.

Now we will try to promote the event via Twitter profile @bongoblogawards. We are official create the hashtag for this award that will be #bongoawards so to follow up with what is going on just use that hashtag or follow us on twitter.



Josephat Lukaza said...

Good work and keep it up personal i appreciate you for this event.thanks.

Manti said...

Great, your work is fantastic! There are some incredibly good blogs listed here, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Best Collaborative or Group Blog